07. Feb 18

8G im English Theatre

Am Montag, den 29.01.2018 machte die Klasse 8G einen Ausflug nach Frankfurt, um im English Theatre einen (englischsprachigen) Improvisationsworkshop zu besuchen.

Der Workshop fand auf der Hauptbühne statt, so dass die SchülerInnen richtige Theaterluft schnuppern konnten. Geleitet wurde der Workshop von Kumari Helbling, einer ausgebildeten Musicaldarstellerin und Pädagogin für darstellende Künste.

Zum Abschluss aß die Gruppe gemeinsam zu Mittag.

Drei Schülerinnen haben gemeinsam einen Kurzbericht geschrieben:


Our trip to the English Theatre Frankfurt – Improvisation workshop


On 29.01.2018, our class, 8G, met at school to go to the English Theatre in Frankfurt. We walked to the bus station and took the bus to the train station in Idstein. After that we took the train to Frankfurt.

We walked with our English teacher Mrs. Kremer to the English Theatre. We visited a workshop called “3, 2, 1 Action”, which was organized and led by Kumari Helbling. Kumari was very nice and friendly!

In the theatre we weren’t allowed to speak German, so we had to speak English.

First we talked about ourselves and introduced each other.

After that, we went on a big stage, which was in the auditorium. Kumari showed us the stage. The stage was prepared for the theatre play in the evening. We weren’t allowed to touch the props. It looked very cool, because there were a lot of stage lights.

First we did some warm up games, which included clapping our names, doing some reaction games and concentration games.

We walked in a circle and had to stop in order to focus. We also did a group building game.

Then we were divided into two groups, where we had to improvise sentences. Then everybody had to say a word to build a sentence.

Then everybody had to say a sentence to tell a story about different themes (“Yes, and…”). It was really fun!

After that Kumari divided us into three smaller groups and gave us different texts to learn. We read through them and practiced them a couple of times and Kumari gave us tips, too.

We were allowed to present our scenes on the stage. The name of the first play was “Candy shop” and the characters were Felix, Cedric, Paule and Luca. Paule didn’t have enough money to buy candy and Cedric and Luca also wanted to buy candy, so they put their money together to buy some candy from Felix.

The second group was Oskar, Paul and Victoria. They presented a touristic tour. Oskar was the tourist guide and showed Paul and Victoria some sights in London.

The last scene played in a café and Aaliyah, Selma, Helen and Carina played this scene. Aaliyah and Selma played a young and an old couple who ordered cupcakes. Helen and Carina played the waiters and served the cupcakes.

It was a great experience to stand on stage and to present our own scene. It was also exciting to see what a theatre looks like and look from the stage into the auditorium. We think that the acting was the best and we would like to do something like this again.

written by Helen Löser, Aaliyah Loos, Selma-Louise Lublow